Culture week
15th Feb 2025
This week we celebrated Culture week in school. We recognized and spoke about the many nationalities that make up our class and it was great to learn about some different country's traditions from each other.
Each class in the school were assigned a country to research and we chose Mexico. We learned about their early history, Mayan and Aztec civilizations as well as more recent history. We used the school laptops to research some facts and the children worked on projects researching Mexican culture and geography. Wednesday was the highlight of our week with our Mexican food festival. Thanks to all those who brought in food for the class to try. There was an abundance of Mexican cuisine with burritos, salsa, tacos and nachos to mention just some of the many meals. It was a great learning experience and it was brilliant to see the children try and experience the tastes of Mexico. Friday was a busy day as the children across the 3rd and 4th classes got to visit each other's classrooms to look at each other's projects. We had Conor and Jessie shared some facts about Mexico over the school intercom and Grace spoke at assembly. The week concluded with a whole school assembly on Friday where we listened to other classes and the countries they were learning about.