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Skerries Educate Together NS, Skerries, Co. Dublin
School lottery update 13/3/2025 - no jackpot winner this week, winner of weekly €20 spot prize is Dave Gahan - congratuations! | Half-Day School Closure Wednesday 2nd April 11.40am School will close for all children at 11.40am on Wednesday 2nd of April 2025 in order to facilitate work on the new Anti-Bullying Bí Cinéalta policy. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this! 
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Sam Maguire Visits Skerries ETNS!

29th Feb 2024
Thank you to Adam Fearon and Ethan Dunne for bringing the Sam Maguire Cup to our school today. We got to ask lots of questions and have our photos taken with the cup. Now surely it’s Galway’s turn next to have a turn with it 😉