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Skerries Educate Together NS, Skerries, Co. Dublin

News - Senior Infants

29th Jun 2024
We ended up our wonderful year with a trip to the playground. It was so much...
29th Jun 2024
Our children were so interested in learning about the history of Skerries - talking...
12th Jun 2024
We were delighted to be a part of this wonderful piece of art, put together by teacher...
12th Jun 2024
Lauren's Class enjoyed learning about balance, predictions, weight and capacity. 
30th May 2024
Wow! Our girls and boys are so creative! Following on from Art Day, Lauren's class...
29th May 2024
What a fun way to show our creative skills! For Art Day, we used our imaginations...
29th May 2024
Our good friend Mouse, from Owls, the Childrens Nature Charity, paid us a visit and...